
Hemorrhoids means an enlargement of a blood-rich swelling natually presented under the intestinal mucosa. As a result, the fine closure of the anus can be impaired. There is bleeding, itching, burning or oozing. In advanced stages, the hemorrhoids may wholly or partially protrude from the anus (prolapse).

Hemorrhoids without or with little prolapse (stage I and II) can be treated well by sclerotherapy or constriction. In Sclerosing , a substance is injected into the hemorrhoids tissue, resulting in shrinkage and scarring. In constriction , hemorrhoid tissue is bound with small rubber bands. Both methods are almost pain-free, but they have to be performed several times a few weeks apart.

Hemorrhoids with prolapse or prolapse (Stage III and IV) usually need to be treated surgically in anesthesia. If there is only one prolapse at one point, a small excision with or without a seam will occur (Milligan-Morgan, Ferguson) . If the prolapse is pronounced, more extensive operations are necessary (Parks, Fansler-Arnold) .

For a prolapse, which can be pushed well into the anus, there are newer, less painful procedures without cutting hemorrhoids. In the OP to Longo , the intestinal mucosa above the haemorrhoids area is ruptured with a special stapling sewing machine and thereby the prolapse is eliminated. In the THD method , the haemorrhoidal arteries are examined and prevented by ultrasound. This method alone is also suitable for larger hemorrhoids without prolapse. By additional gathering seams the simultaneous elimination of a prolapse occurs. For a TV contribution to the THD method , please visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=BziRhoYdspA , more information at http://www.haemorrhoidenbehandeln.de/.